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Welcome to my page. My name is Sarah Queblatin. I'm a regenerative design specialist weaving inclusive ecosystem leadership with awareness based systems change methodologies for whole systems transformation. Because my roles are complex to define as one, I categorized them into three with their unique and interrelated pathways as Soil, Soul, and Story. They represent many things I am being and doing, weaving several years of experience as a social innovator and cultural creative. A snapshot of what my work looks like could be: co-designing multi-stakeholder platforms and ceremonies with indigenous wisdom keepers; growing healing permaculture gardens with displaced communities, facilitating expressive arts practices for cancer patients, and designing learning journeys for prototyping regenerative solutions with changemakers. In all of these, working with nature and the creative process have gifted me and others the remembrance of our wholeness. I hope that by sharing about them, I can offer these gifts to you whether through my stories, workshops, and events. A deeper story ...




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Weaving with SOIL, as regenerative design strategist working with inclusive landscape leadership, community gardens, conservation and restoration of ecosystems, and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK). 


Through deep ecology and permaculture, we will navigate the relationships between our inner and outer landscapes to design regenerative lifestyles and ecosystems. Through regenerative design labs, we will work with a whole systems approach to prototyping or scaling solutions to address challenges communities are facing today. 


I lead in these capacities as Co-Founder and Executive Director of Green Releaf Initiative, as member of Permaculture for Refugees, as a member of Re-Allianceas board member for Communities for Alternative Food Ecosystems Initiative, and ambassador for the Global Ecovillage Network, where I used to serve as global trustee and regional council member. I currently serve as one of the judges of the LUSH Spring Prize


My background includes a merit diploma in Permaculture with the Blue Mountains Permaculture Institute, an advanced Permaculture certificate with Aranya Permaculture Alternatives and Guilda Permaculture; Ecosystem Restoration Design, and Ecovillage Design Education with Gaia Education. I hold a certificate in Ecopsychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute and I completed a Regenerative Practitioner Course by the Regenesis Institute.



Woman playing on singing bowl while sitt

Weaving with SOUL, as a deep ecology and transformative arts practitioner working with earth-based and trauma informed art modalities in supporting personal and collective healing. 


Through visual and somatic arts and practices like drawing, painting, meditation, community art, deep ecology retreats, and ceremony, we will journey with our inner selves from healing to wholeness. 



I hold these capacities as a resource person and resource person for the Carl Jung Circle Philippines, Wellnessland Health Institute, and The Arts and Health Institute Philippines. 


I am a trained Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) practitioner, integrating trauma-informed handles in my work. I facilitate creative workshops working with patients with physical and mental health challenges. On this practice, I received an Arts and Healing Network award in 2012 which inspired me to pursue this path further.


My background includes fine arts skills from Ayala Museum while working as their Education programs assistant as my first job. Years later I learned about how art heals through an Arts in Transformation training with BuildaBridge Institute, and with Expressive Arts with the European Graduate School. For many years, I was involved in interfaith peacebuilding work with the United Religions Initiative and then eventually in spiritual ecology practices as a GreenFaith fellow. I am currently fulfilling my hours to certify as a Work that Reconnects Facilitator.


I have been led and invited to co-design ritual spaces for ceremonies on peace-building and earth care with culture bearers and wisdom keepers like the Philippine Babaylan, the Philippine shaman or healer. These experiences have shaped me in the most profound ways and have influenced me to ensure that traditional ecological knowledge and indigenous wisdom are at the core of all my initiatives. 

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Weaving with STORY as a regenerative design strategist wayfinding the new story of people and place during systemic transitions. 


Through ways we restore and re-story our personal and collective narratives, we will design and run learning journeys.and design labs. that enable regenerative leadership for collective impact.





I serve in this practice as a consultant to local and international organizations. I hold space for this work as part of the the community of practice on the Art of Hosting, the social field of practitioners of New Stories, and as practitioner for awareness based systems change applying Theory U and other transformative change processes that facilitate the shaping of new narratives. 


I design and facilitate enabling ecosystems of collaboration through innovation labs and learning journeys through Re:Source Regeneration Labs with Green Releaf, ReGEN Nations with the Global Ecovillage Network Oceania and Asia.  Some of the other projects I worked on collaborated with various organizations like the 4 Returns Labs of Commonland  or Xynteo Leadership. 


I'm also a learning designer developing trainings and strategy retreats. Currently, I'm working on a training for Bioregional Governance for Asia and the Pacific supporting members of the United Cities and Local Governments in Asia and the Pacific in enhancing their collaborations with their stakeholders in addressing climate resilience through bioregionalism. 


On this path, I weave almost 15 years of combined experience in environmental education, peace-building; and humanitarian recovery. Here, I integrate my passion for regenerative leadership and awareness based systems change. 


"It was a privilege to welcome Sarah Queblatin as a Guest Speaker on our module Regenerative Entrepreneurship, at Business School Lausanne, Switzerland. She is pioneering voice from the front lines of the climate crisis. Her work weaves together many threads, helping make visible patterns of trauma informed resilience and regeneration in local communities: the role of art, indigenous wisdom, ritual, survivor-led leadership, mapping loss and damage, permaculture, and the role of intuition and creative imagination in shaping new futures, helping people find their way out of from chaos to creativity, from resilience to regeneration."


- Sally Jeanrenaud, Professor, Business School Lausanne, Switzerland


deep ecology, permaculture, and ecovillage design facilitation
ecosystem activation, stewardship, and deep scaling  
stakeholder engagement 


whole systems, and regenerative 
design strategy
creative tools

and practices for personal and collective resilience.

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